What a nice surprise it was to come home from my classes this afternoon to see some flowers blooming in the yard! The sky is a brilliant blue, the sun is shining and it is actually above freezing! The TV meteorologist said earlier this week that this has been the coldest February in a very long time. I had to go out and get some pictures of the flowers. The
Winter Aconite (left) is always a treat to see with its brilliant yellow petals. Over the years this patch of purple
Snow Crocus has multiplied so it looks like a bouquet when they bloom. Does that make them a "croquet"? ;)
Lenten R
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nts have been blooming for a while now, they had snow on the flowers earlier in the week. I really enjoy seeing their pretty flowers, but I always have to dead-head them to keep them from going to seed, otherwise I would have nothing in my yard but them!
Another nice surprise was to see a honeybee diving head first into a white crocus blossom. She was gathering nectar and pollen to take back to her hive. I don't know if she is a wild bee or if someone around here has hives. The little early daffodils are in bud, so they should be blooming in another week or so.
As much as I love the flowers, I must admit, I hope we get a couple more snows. Yesterday I bought an easel to hold my velvet board for the snowflakes, I'd like to get the chance to try it out. No more propping it up on the grill and the house!
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