Happy Easter! Here is a pretty, cross-shaped flower for the special day! I hope everyone who celebrates the holiday had a wonderful day!
This was a glorious day, another day of highs in the low 80 degree range. This afternoon Kenny and I headed over to Haw Ridge to see what was in b

loom. We got a lot of hiking in and saw many interesting plants and animals during our 4 hours on the trail. I couldn't resist doing something funny with the curled violet leaf, it looked too much like a face not to add a smile! :)
I had not even made it out of the parking lot before I spotted some "action" happening

on a dandelion. Upon closer inspection, I realized I was intruding on an "intimate moment" between two wasps! I guess this isn't too risque to post on here! ;) The male is on the left.
Farther down the trail I saw so

me wildflowers that had not been blooming when I visited last week. The
Blue Phlox (left) was just beginning to open on the north side of the ridge. Later, down another trail I saw a coup

le of
Perfoliate Bellwort (right) with its yellow "tutu" flowers. This is a very common flower in our area.
A small black moth with large wh

ite and red spots on its wings flitted along the trail and finally landed long enough for me to snap a picture. I looked it up when I got home and learned it is a
Grapevine Epimenis, a species of the Forester Moth group. The bold color patterns makes me think it is probably distasteful. There were several drab, brown moths and a few butterflies that were not as cooperative for a photo.
We had a couple of trail bike riders tell us that they had seen a large snake near the picnic tables farther down t

he trail. Just as I was getting ready to eat my sandwich, a rider went by us,

slowed down and then came to a stop. He said excitedly, "There's a large snake over here!" That was all I needed to hear! I put my sandwich back in the box, grabbed my camera and went over to see it. It was a large Black Rat Snake, about 4 feet long. He was busy hunting and didn't pay us much attention. Things got really interesting when the snake decided to slither between Kenny's feet! Fortunately, he neither of us is freaked out by snakes! The noise in the background on the video is a boat, we were next to the lake.
As usual, we got turned around on a couple of the trails, making our hike a little longer than we'd planned. As many times as we have hiked there, we always ha

ve trouble with the trails on the east end. When we finally got on the Middle Road trail we knew we were OK. I wanted to hike back on Saddle, it is a moderate trail that follows a spring-fed stream, it always has lots of wildflowers. This time I saw my first
Foamflower (left) of the year on that trail. The fragrant
Lemon Trillium was just beginning to bloom too. Be sure and take the time to smell the flowers if you come across them, they smell like lemons!